Easy Way to Stop Flash of Unstyled Web Page Content A flash of unstyled content when a webpage loads is ugly and annoying, and easily fixed. As helpful as jQuery and other website plugins can be, a common issue is unstyled web page content coming up a moment before everything looks good. Luckily there's an easy five minute fix to keep unstyled content hidden until it's ready. Scot Ranney, February 13, 2016
How to Make a FAQ Page in Miva Merchant Create an elegant FAQ page using very little CSS or javascript. Make your FAQ entries easy to scan on first glance by hiding the FAQ text until someone clicks on a FAQ title. This is easy to do with very little coding. Scot Ranney, February 02, 2016
Mivascript: MvCALL Tutorial MvCALL emulates a browser to connect to a remote server. MvCALL is a Mivascript tag that is used to post or get data from a host. This includes emulating form posts and capturing raw website source code. Scot Ranney, January 21, 2016
Miva Merchant 5 Review An overview of Miva Merchant and it's eCommerce capabilities. The Miva Merchant eCommerce platform turns your website into an online store and can be used out of the box or can be customized to your exact specifications. There are a lot of eCommerce solutions out there and you want the one that works best for your products now and in the future, Miva Merchant is worth taking a look at. Miva Merchant is a proven reliable technology, works for stores with 1 product or 1 million products, is vastly customizable, offers good support, and has a deep community of developers and experienced store owners who actively answer questions. Scot Ranney, January 21, 2016
Simple and Slick Configuration Manager in Miva Script Saving configuration settings in your Miva Script apps is necessary but very easy. Use the time saving mivascript functions below to create a flexible configuration system for your Miva Script apps that can easily grow as your app grows with minimal coding. Scot Ranney, January 01, 2016