block malicious ips from miva merchant

Block IP Addresses for Miva Merchant

This free module for Miva Merchant gives you a quick way to block malicious IP addresses.
What do you do if your site is being pinged by a bad IP address or you're getting tons of spam email?
Block IP gives you a quick way to block any IP address from browsing your site. This is very helpful if you can't get your host to do anything about it.

Block IP Addresses v1.003 FREE

Free simple IP address utility for Miva Merchant. Block or allow IP addresses in various ways and optionally display a custom web page or message for a blocked IP.

License Information

Most licenses are good for the lifetime of the product. In some cases there may be an update fee for major version changes (v1 to v2, etc...)

Miva Merchant Compatibility: Miva Merchant updates can occasionally break modules. Let us know if you run into any issues after an update.

License Fee: $0.00

Free modules require you to go through the check out process for a license to be generated.

Module Downloads: Use the download button above.

FastFAQs for Block IP Addresses
1. How does it work?
If an IP on the list in the module admin hits your site, the module stops the visitor from going any further and either exits with a blank screen or puts up an optional custom message (HTML or text) then exits. You create the message but there is an example in the module configuration.
2. Does it slow down my store?

When this module is active it checks the module config every time a page is loaded. If you add too many IP addresses into the module then yes, it could possibly slow down your store.

However, this module is made for temporary IP blocking and the list should always be kept short (a few dozen at the most.) If it gets too big, contact your host so they can add the IPs to a bad IP list that's on the server level rather than the store level.

3. How do I get my license?

The license is free, you just add this to your cart and go through the checkout process. You won't be asked to pay anything and then when you're finished an email will go out to you with your license code.

Want FastFAQs for your store? Get the module!

This is a free module for Miva Merchant that gives you some IP address controls that can be used to block IP addresses as well as allow IP addresses for dev sites.

  • Block IP addresses
  • Editable "block" page for blocked IPs
  • Allowed IP addresses
  • Allowed URL param
  • Add IP address to allowed list through URL param

This module is useful for quickly dealing with IP addresses that are spamming, overloading, or just causing problems in general for your store.