Instapages module for Miva Merchant by Scot's Scripts

Instapages for Miva Merchant

Fast visual page building editor for Miva Merchant with all the features.
Instapages for Miva Merchant makes page building for Miva Merchant fast and easy. Pagebuilder not your style? Instapages is a more traditional and flexible way of creating store content.

Instapages v1.103

Instapages rethinks how you create and display content and makes it easier than ever to add the content you need to your store. Don't make pages, make content.

License Information

Most licenses are good for the lifetime of the product. In some cases there may be an update fee for major version changes (v1 to v2, etc...)

Miva Merchant Compatibility: Miva Merchant updates can occasionally break modules. Let us know if you run into any issues after an update.

License Fee: $199.00

Module Downloads: Use the download button above.

FastFAQs for Instapages
1. How easy is it, really?
It's fast, it's easy, and it's better than coding by hand. You can try it all out in the demo.
2. Can I Use Instapages Instead of Page Builder?

Yes. In fact, Instapages is often easier and faster than page builder because the visual editor uses the same CSS as your store. It truly is what you see is what you get.

You can also use one template for content with unique URLs. Instpages also supports all readytheme componenents like product lists, images, content, etc...

3. Can I make columns, grids, tables, lists, etc?

Yes, Instapages supports all store framework CSS, and all major HTML components. If your store is using something else, like Bootstrap for instance, Instapages settings are easy to adjust for any modern CSS framework so what you see while editing is always accurate.

4. Can I use it for Product descriptions?

Yes. In fact, if you make a product or category description with Instapages it can be set to automatically be the default content. This means zero template changes.

5. What about category descriptions?

Miva Merchant does not have built in category descriptions (although the category header can be used) so Instapages is there to fill the gap. Using the visual editor you can create any kind of category description, and with one checkbox in the settings and one line of template code your category descriptions will automatically appear.

6. Can I drag block of content around?

Yes, content blocks can be dragged and re-ordered as much as you want. You can also copy and delete content blocks at the touch of a button.

7. What is the difference between Instapages and Scot's Blogger?

Instapages is the quickest way to create content with or without unique URLs in your store. Scot's Blogger is a top to bottom blogging system designed to make large blog and content management situations organized. Instapages is a faster and less involved way to create organized content in your store if you don't need a full blogging system.

8. Can I Use it for Blogging?

Sure. The easiest way to do this is create a template for each blog and then the content you make on those templates using Instapages will be attached to those templates. Basically, each page template is a blog and through template coding posts can be grouped by date and tag and such. Tag groups and tag ordering gives you a lot of power to create whatever kind of content groups/menus you need.

9. Do my posts have their own URLs?

Yes. Instapages uses the built in Miva Merchant URI system and each post can have it's own URI even if it's using the same page template.

Want FastFAQs for your store? Get the module!

What is Instapages?

Instapages is an editor for Miva Merchant used to create content in your store without cluttering up templates.

Who is it for?

Instapages is perfect for non-coders who prefer to work as visually as possible. Instapages also has a great code editor for people who like to get behind the scenes.

Why Instapages?

Super fast, easy to use, easy setup, and fits with your store's CSS for grids, layouts, and other features. Speed up building your content pages without ever having to code a template again.

Video is for an earlier version of Instapages, but the idea is the same.

Readytheme Components Support

Instapages supports all Readytheme components. Images, content, lists, etc...

Want to add your featured products to Instapages content? Copy what Miva Merchant gives you. Same thing for all the rest of the Readytheme componenets.

Pagebuilder Not Your Style?

Instapages offers you a more traditional way of building pages and leverages the Miva Merchant URI system so that one template can display as many different pages as you want. You can also use different templates in case you need to display info in various layouts.


Organize, load, display, search, and enjoy the wide world of tags with your Instapages content.

Menus, table of contents, documentation, faqs, the possibilities are endless.

Content Blocks

Start by typing or creating layouts. Use the PLUS button to create all sorts of content blocks and keep building as you go.

Set styles and classes with a click.

Live Preview

Instapages uses your store's CSS for layout, grids, and other blocks so you can see what it will look like before you publish. True "what you see is what you get" editing.

Mobile Preview

Click on the mobile view button for a quick mobile preview to quickly see what it will look like in mobile view.

URI System

Your Instapages content can have unique URIs built the way you like. No need for .htaccess editing because Instapages uses Miva Merchant's built in URI system.


In-Store draft preview lets you make sure your content is 100% correct before publishing updates.

Products & Categories

Check a couple boxes in the settings and then when you use Instapages to make product or category descriptions they show up automatically. No template coding.


Instapages can be used with or without the Miva URI management system, however if Instapages is going to be used for situations where you want unique URLs for your content then your Miva Merchant store must be using the current URI management system.

This product content is created and managed with Instapages.