Miva Merchant Modules and Development
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Miva Merchant Modules, News, and Updates

Useful articles about Miva Merchant, Miva Merchant SEO, Miva Scripting, general eCommerce best practices, Miva Merchant module information, and more. We've also posted some Miva Script tutorials, guides, and downloads. This blog is run by Scot's Blogger, a Wordpress style Miva Merchant module.

Mivascript 101: The miva_splitstring(..) Function With Examples

miva_splitstring(..) is a relatively new Mivascript function and one of the most useful.

Use miva_splitstring(..) to quickly take any delineated list and turn it into a Mivascript array. What used to take two or three lines of code now takes one line of code.

Scot Ranney, February 13, 2025

Miva Merchant Precision Price Display Problem and How To Fix It

The Miva Merchant 10.11.01 update adds precision pricing for those who need it... and for those who don't. Here's how to fix your price display until the next update.

The new precision weight/pricing feature for Miva Merchant is a good thing if you're selling screws and need to show smaller than .01 prices. The problem is that precision pricing is affecting everyone who uses discounts, not just people using precision weight.

Scot Ranney, December 06, 2024

Miva Merchant Quick and Dirty IP Blocking

Your Miva store getting hammered by bots? If the Block IP module isn't working, try this.

Here is some Miva template code to quickly block bad IP addresses from using up your Miva Merchant site's bandwidth.

Scot Ranney, October 31, 2024

How to Use the JSON Decode Function in Mivascript

The Miva scripting language comes with a very nice JSON decode function. Here is how to use it.

JSON is a great way to store and move text data. Decoding the JSON data into a usable array is also easy using Mivascript.

Scot Ranney, August 16, 2023

How To Add Modules to Miva Merchant 10

Adding and installing modules to Miva 10 isn't exactly straight forward but it doesn't have to be frustrating.

Miva Merchant 10 is probably the most powerful and customizable ecommerce platform out there. Here's a streamlined discussion on adding and using new modules to your store.

Scot Ranney, June 09, 2023

The blog posts on Scot's Scripts are made using by Scot's Blogger, a full featured Wordpress replacement Miva Merchant blogging module.