QR Code Generator Module for Miva Merchant

QR Code Generator for Miva Merchant

Create QR Codes in Miva Merchant
Automatically create QR codes for Miva Merchant reports, pick lists, batches, page templates, emails, and anything else using a simple template page item.
This includes a utility in the module admin to create downloadble QR Code images for any text.

QR Code Generator v1.002

Generate QR codes anywhere in your store. Page templates, products, pick lists, reports, anything.

License Information

Most licenses are good for the lifetime of the product. In some cases there may be an update fee for major version changes (v1 to v2, etc...)

Miva Merchant Compatibility: Miva Merchant updates can occasionally break modules. Let us know if you run into any issues after an update.

License Fee: $129.00

Module Downloads: Use the download button above.

This simple QR Code generator for Miva Merchant will create a QR code that can be scanned by cell phones for any data in your store, in any template in your store.

Create codes for invoices, product displays, order processing, pick lists, anything.

The module contains a bonus feature: A QR Code utility where you can generate custom QR codes and save them as images.