Google Analytics 4 for Miva Merchant

Google Analytics 4 for Miva Merchant

Google Analytics 4 for Miva Merchant
Easily track all ecommerce activity using the newest analytics from Google.
This module sets up Google Analytics 4 tracking in your store, including all supported enhanced ecommerce tags. What if your customers have ad-blockers? You will still track ecommerce data because the ecommerce tracking happens behind the scenes.

Google Analytics 4 v2.005

Use Google's newest analytics, Google Analytics 4, for deep enhanced ecommerce tracking.

Downgrading: Click Here to Download version 1.015

License Information

Most licenses are good for the lifetime of the product. In some cases there may be an update fee for major version changes (v1 to v2, etc...)

Miva Merchant Compatibility: Miva Merchant updates can occasionally break modules. Let us know if you run into any issues after an update.

License Fee: $129.00

Module Downloads: Use the download button above.

Beat the ad blockers that ruin your tracking!

Our Google Analytics 4 modules offers full ecommerce tracking, including all enhanced ecommerce tracking, for your Miva Merchant store.

Click Here for May 2023 GA4 module news with additional details and images.

This module uses Google's tracking API for supported enhanced ecommerce events and simple page tracking without adding extra code to your pages.

GTAG js is also loaded on pages being tracked as per Google's recommendations.

Beats Ad Blockers!

Ecommerce tracking is "behind the scenes" so even if a customer is using an ad-blocker and the js version of the tracker is blocked, ecommerce activity is still tracked. 

Use Custom Fields

The settings interface gives you an easy way to select which custom fields should be used in your Google Analytics 4 data.

Scot's Blogger Integration

This module automatically tracks Scot's Blogger 3.16 and later content and categories.


Ajax add to cart: Tracks all standard add to cart events.

Uses asynchronous miva processes to connect with google's tracking api. No slowdowns, no ad blocking, and no missing transaction tracking if someone moves from the page too fast.

Includes adding gtag js tracking tracking code. This code can be 100% customized.

Product lists include attributes.

Product tracking includes optional custom fields data.

Basket lists include product attributes and discounts.

Robust debug/validation system.

Turn tracking off for various IP addresses (don't track yourself for example)

Tracking Metrics

This module sends all enhanced ecommerce metrics for GA4 tracking. This includes but is not limited to:

  • view_item (product view)
  • view_item_list (category page)
  • add_to_cart
  • remove_from_cart
  • view_cart
  • add_to_wishlist
  • view_search_results (includes search term, only fires on SRCH page, not ajax results)
  • begin_checkout
  • add_payment_info
  • add_shipping_info
  • purchase
  • sign_up
  • login
  • All other "enhanced ecommerce" metrics (new ones are added when avaialble.)

GA4 Resources

The Google Analytics 4 might look similar to what you're used to, but under the hood it is vastly different than Universal Analytics. These differences really come into play for conversion tracking and other adword/keyword based marketing.

Please look at the docs below before contacting us about conversion tracking problems.

How to set up a conversion in GA4

All GA4 Conversion Docs

GA4 General Reference

GA4 Issue Tracker

If you see a "service error" on any of these pages, reload the page until it comes up.

Unsolicited Review:

"Scot has done it again. This app works seamlessly. Install it. Make a few tweaks and if you have problems, Scot is quick to address them and offer recommendations. Great job! I recommend and use this for all of my projects." ~ James, After Dark Grafx

Module Updates:

If there is a feature that would help get more out of the module don't hesitate to let us know. Many features in this module are based on customer requests.

This product content is created and managed with Instapages.