Scot Ranney • July 10, 2024
Create a custom field for a YouTube video url. This works for long and short video URLs that have v= or s= in them (use share links for shorts.) Sometimes the vid short links without s= will work as well.
Create a custom product field (in this case the code is youtube as you can see in the code below) that you put a YouTube video URL in.
Tip: Put a link to the product as the first comment after adding the video.
<mvt:comment> # YOUTUBE VIDEOS: We do some smt voodoo to control the embed via a URL posted in a product custom field # </mvt:comment> <mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:customfields:youtube"> <mvt:if expr="'v=' CIN l.settings:product:customfield_values:customfields:youtube"> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="gettoken(l.settings:product:customfield_values:customfields:youtube,'=',2)" /> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="l.settings:vid $ '&rel=0'" /> <mvt:else> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="gettoken(l.settings:product:customfield_values:customfields:youtube,'?',1)" /> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="glosub(l.settings:vid,'','')" /> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="glosub(l.settings:vid,'','')" /> <mvt:assign name="l.settings:vid" value="l.settings:vid $ '?rel=0'" /> </mvt:if> <iframe style="width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 16/9;" src=";" title="Treasures of the Southwest &mvte:product:name; video" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> </mvt:if>
mvkb_youtube mvkb_products