I just stumbled across a system where a hot key brings up code snippets that can be used while editing miva store page templates. For example, if I want an mvt:if statement, all I do is click the hotkey (caps-lock in my case), type mvt:if, hit return, enter the expression, and presto, the code is inserted at cursor position. I've been using it for two days and it's already saved loads of time.
info: https://github.com/lintalist/lintalist direct download link: https://github.com/lintalist/lintalist/releases/download/v1.9.8/lintalist.zip I made a "bundle" file for the Miva Template Language here:https://www.scotsscripts.com/updates/lintalist/MivaMerchant.txt Quick Start 1. Unzip the lintalist.zip file into wherever you put your small utilities files. There is no installation, just unzip to wherever you want to run it from.
2. Copy the MivaMerchant.txt
file into the lintalist/bundles
3. Make sure lintalist is running then start editing a store page and click the caps-lock key. Click on the bundle
menu item and make sure Miva Merchant is selected.
4. Type mvt:assign in the lintalist search bar and then hit enter, then fill out the name and value just like you would normally:
5. Once you hit OK on the value box, the mvt:assign code should be where your cursor was on the page.
This is a super time saver. No more minor syntax errors or tired finger errors, all the hard work is done.
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