Scot's Scripts Miva Merchant Module Support

Scot's Scripts Miva Merchant Module Support

Support for our Miva Modules.
Find answers to your installation and usage questions.
This is the place to start if you have questions about our modules. Most of our Miva Modules are fully documented. Do not hesitate to contact us if you can't find the answer you're looking for!

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Scot's Blogger is used to created this support system.


Wordpress style shortcodes to help with common tasks.
last updated

If you're familiar with WordPress, you've probably heard of shortcodes. These give you an easy way to put various kinds of information in your post.

All shortcodes can start with scotsblogger or sb. 

turn word or phrase into store search link

[sb store_search search term or phrase] 

turn word or phrase into post search link

[sb post_search search term or phrase]

turn word or phrase into tag search link

[sb tag_search search term or phrase]

display link to an article

[sb post some-article-slug link]

display various article data

[sb post some-article-slug title]

display example MVT item in a blog post without having it render

[sb mvt:store:code]

Same for MVTE and other encoded items:

[sb mvte:store:code]

[sb mvta:store:code]

[sb mvtj:store:code]

[sb mvts:store:code]

display a tab (indent)

[sb tab]

display a line break (br)

[sb br]

display font awesome icon

[sb fa icon-class]

Example: [sb fa fa-eye fa-2x]

product data: insert product data into post
Use any normal product variable -custom fields are not yet supported
name, price, formatted_price, header, footer, etc... (header/footer support
in v2.2.2)

[sb product product_code name|price|descrip|etc]

Such as: [sb product product_code name]

category data: (v2.2.2) insert category data into post
Use any normal category variable -custom fields are not yet supported
name, header, footer, etc...

[sb category category_code name|header|etc]

Such as: [sb category modules name]

display a managed link

[sb link link_code]