Import Posts and Comments
This is a description of the import fields.
last updated May 25, 2019
Note: Import features added in version 3.
Importing comments and posts in Scot's Blogger is as simple as editing the CSV import template. DOWNLOAD CSV IMPORT TEMPLATE
The import button is found in the editor at the top of the screen:
The import page has two drag and drop fields. The first is for testing your import. It is highly recommended that you test your import and study the test output to make sure your import file has been created correctly.
The second drag and drop area will automatically process the import data and save your posts if there is a blog code and title. Blog code and post title are the only required fields for a post to be added.
CSV File Rules
The file must be TAB delineated Character data must not be CSV encoded Character data must not be enclosed by quotation marks.
CSV Fields
The blog code must be for an existing blog - blogs are not created during import.
If the blog code is missing the post will not be imported.
Post/Content Fields
This is required if you are updating posts or importing comments. This is the base slug for the post. Do not include extension or "front" part of URL, just the slug for the title of the post. .html
p = published - leave the field blank for a draft
Title of your content or post.
Subtitle of your post.
Synopsis of your post. Also used as default meta description. Can be overridden below.
The HTML code for the post content.
14 character date string: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE SECOND - example: 20181225130000 (Dec 25, 2018, 1pm)
The string must be 14 characters. The hours, minutes, and seconds can be 0's.
Example 2: For March 5, 2018, 9:30 AM, the string would be: 20180305093000
If import is set to "publish" this will be the published date.
If left blank it will use current date/time.
14 character date string: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
This is an internal date only seen when writing posts. If left blank current date/time will be used.
Enter the category codes for the post categories. Separate codes with commas. Categories must already exist in the system.
Enter the tags for the post. Separate tags with commas. New tags will automatically be created.
Content code, optional.
Associate content with a store page by entering the miva merchant screen code here.
Associate content a store product by entering the miva merchant product code here.
Associate content with a store category by entering the category code here.
0 or blank = no sticky
glob = global sticky, shows up everywhere
cat = category sticky, shows in the category where the post is
prd = product sticky, available if associating posts with product codes
page = page sticky, available if associating posts with store page codes
Override the default SEO title.
If your meta description is different than your synopsis, enter the meta description here. Should be limited to 154 characters.
A URL you can use as an SEO canonical URL. This does not override the post/content URL, it's only for SEO overrides or custom uses.
d = uses settings from parent category
a = anonymous comments: allows anonymous comments on post, overrides category comment settings
1 = logged in comments only: must be logged in as a customer to leave a comment, overrides category comment settings
-1 = comments turned off: turns comments off for the post, overrides category comment settings
This entire block can be added to the head tag of your post. Useful if you have custom head tag content.
Enter a URL for the image you want search engines and social media to pick up on for this content.
Social Media Meta Information
All of these fields are optional and only used to override the automatic SEO information automatically created from your blog and post settings. These would be used only in rare occasions.
Twitter card title.
Twitter card description.
Twitter card type (default summary )
This will default to the twitter handle in the blog settings. Override it here.
Full URL for twitter to pick up on.
Open Graph (OG / facebook) title.
OG content/post description.
Full URL to content/article
OG page type.
OG content SEO image (facebook uses this as the preview image when you share.)
Name of your site.
Facebook admins.
Comments use the same import template as posts. You can import comments along with posts, or you can import them after.
The content with the comment must be imported before the comment or the comment will be skipped. The title OR the body of the comment is required.
(body or title required)
The title of the comment. This or the comment body is required for the comment to save.
(body or title required)
The body of the comment. Text only. This or the comment title is required.
Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS - must be 14 characters. If the comment is date only, it needs to be right padded with 0's: 20181202000000
Date of comment. If left blank, current day is used. Comments are sorted and displayed by date/time it was left.
IP address of comment (optional)
The name of the comment author.
Email address of the comment author.
Miva Merchant customer id of the comment author.