Scot's Scripts FAQs and Module Support

If you don't find the answers here contact us.
Documentation and support for our Miva modules is found here. If you can't find the answer you're looking for contact us and we'll add the information.

FastFAQs / Hide FAQs DIV If No FAQs

Hide FAQs DIV If No FAQs

To hide the DIV container if there are no FAQs, wrap it in a conditional on the page like this:Try wrapping your fastfaqs div inside this:

<mvt:if expr="l.settings:fastfaqs:default"> <div id="fastfaqs">

If that doesn't work, you can try doing it this way which checks to see if there are any FAQs in the array:

<mvt:if expr="miva_array_elements(l.settings:fastfaqs:default) GT 0"> <div id="fastfaqs">
<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> ...
updated September 26, 2017